Master classic words at super speed!nEasy operation just by swiping left and right!n* Completely free *nLets enjoy learning for university entrance exams, center exams, and tests!
★★祝5万DL★★完全無料!高校古典学習の決定版!★かんたん操作で超速暗記!分かる単語は右へ、分からない単語は左へスワイプするだけ!忘れる->覚えるを繰り返すことで、どんどん記憶が定着!★充実の復習機能!「あやふやな単語だけ」「時間が経って忘れがちな単語だけ」と目的別に復習できる!試験前には「総おさらい」で忘れている単語がないかチェックしよう!★こんな人にオススメ!・通学時などのスキマ時間にサクッと古典単語を覚えたい人・シンプルな古典アプリを探している人・なるべく短時間で古文の点数を上げたい人・あやふやに記憶している単語がある人・試験で高得点を狙いたい人・古文に苦手意識を持っている人これ一本で中間・期末テストやセンター試験、大学受験対策もバッチリ!スマホで気軽に古文を学習しよう!★★ Celebration 50,000 DL ★★Completely free! The definitive edition of high school classic learning!★ Easy operation and super fast memorization!Just swipe right for words you understand and left for words you dont understand!Forget-> By repeating remembering, your memory will become more and more established!★ Full review function!You can review "only unclear words" and "only words that you tend to forget over time" according to purpose!Before the exam, check if there are any words you have forgotten in "Overview"!★ Recommended for people like this!・ People who want to learn classic words quickly when they go to school・ People who are looking for a simple classic app・ People who want to improve the score of ancient texts in the shortest possible time・ People who have words that they remember・ People who want to aim for a high score in the exam・ People who are not good at ancient writingWith this one, you can prepare for mid-term and final exams, center exams, and university exams!Feel free to learn ancient writing on your smartphone!軽微な問題を修正しました